Etiqueta: PC Antiguo

Desarrollo de software

Crear maquina Servidor virtual

Convierta la computadora vieja en un dispositivo de almacenamiento de red NAS

  This video is a step by step process on how you can make use of an old computer as a Network-attached Storage device using Freenas Operating System. The world’s number 1 trusted storage operating system. Have fun and enjoy it. #freenas​ #howtosetupfreenas​ #freenassetup​ Links: Download Link:…​ Freenas website:​ Ventoy Video:​ Ventoy…
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Instalar Linux en PCs antiguos

  Lightweight Linux distros tested on a single core 1GB RAM Eee PC 901 netbook. Distros are Lubuntu 18.04 32 bit, BionicPup 32 and Zorin OS Lite 15.3. But which performs best on old hardware?! Lubuntu is available from:​ — note that this is an newer site to that shown in the video, which…
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NUEVO MiniOS 10 PRO 2021 v2 / DISPONIBLE x86 y x64

En este video te enseño el nuevo Windows 10 PRO MINIOS el windows mejor optimizado para tener un mejor rendimiento en tu PC

Convierta la computadora vieja en Synology NAS

Download here…​ Access your XPEnology NAS over the Internet and share files​ Do you have an old desktop PC sitting in a closet somewhere? Put it to use by installing DSM. DSM convert old PCs into network-attached storage devices Thanks for watching, don’t forget like and subscribe at

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